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2022 Homecoming Info...Stay Tuned


Each football team and cheer squad will have a homecoming court, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.  Homecoming courts are decided by the amount of money raised  with the homecoming fundraiser. First Place King/Queen, First runner up Prince/Princess, and Second runner up Duke/Duchess.  Please click here  to obtain a copy of the Homecoming Fundraising packet.

The OVERALL PARK winners (top fundraisers out of all of the Homecoming Courts) will be crowned King/Queen and featured on our year book cover.  The OVERALL PARK first  runner ups will be crowned Prince/Princess and featured on the centerfold.   The OVERALL PARK second runner ups will be crowned Duke/Duchess and featured on the inside cover.  In addition to prominent yearbook positioning and other prizes, the OVERALL PARK WINNERS will receive scholarships for the 2017 season!

Help Your Child Earn A Spot on the Yearbook Cover and a scholarship for next season!

     Homecoming is the time of year,

Where the players play

     and cheerleaders cheer.

We laugh, yell, scream and shout,

     Because having fun is what its about.

On Saturday we attend the games,

    To shout and cheer the Warrior name.

During coronation we crown King & Queen

    So homecoming is a very big scene!

Homecoming week is filled with activities, food and fun! 

Monday           Practice           6:30 PM

Tuesday          Practice           6:30 PM

Thursday         Practice           6:30 PM

Friday              Coronation       6:30 PM

                        Parents v. Coaches
                        Football Game

Teams set up booths on Homecoming Saturday.

The day is filled with great food, fun kid zone stations, games, music and great football! Prepare to spend a fun filled day with the Warrior Family and please invite your friends and family to share in the fun.

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